Class Policies

Please review our class policies and let us know if you have any questions.


To empower a community of artists, students, and staff to strengthen their skills and achieve their goals through the joyful and transformative power of circus arts.


Circus has been combining artistry and athleticism, awe and wonder, joy and playfulness, with a touch of magic for over 250 years. At NECCA, we believe that the many benefits of circus education should be available to anyone who wants to learn. Circus Arts can be a significant benefit to physical, mental and emotional health and we are dedicated to providing expert, specialized instruction to kids, recreational students, hobbyists, as well as pre-professionals and professionals. Whether you are looking to challenge yourself farther than you know you can go, or are just looking for a creative community, our coaches are devoted to challenging and inspiring each student where they are and focused on helping each individual meet their specific goals.

Phone: 802-254-9780
Social Media: Facebook, Instagram


Trapezium: 10 Town Crier Drive

Cotton Mill Studios: 74 Cotton Mill Hill
A-330 (Main Mill) & A-354 (Big Mill)


NECCA offers a variety of classes, workshops, and programs to fit every level and interest. If you don’t see something you’re looking for, just let us know. There’s always more in the works.


Session Classes meet once a week for several weeks at a time. We have classes for all ages, youth and adults, from beginner to advanced in multiple disciplines. These run throughout the year with the following approximate schedule and are a perfect way to get started and try something new.

  • Winter Session: January – mid March
  • Spring Session: End of March – early June
  • Summer Session: Mid June – August
  • Fall Session: September – December


Our workshops offer focused training sessions in a specialized discipline. From an afternoon, to a multi-week immersive experience, our workshops offer a focused investigation and concentrated training with NECCA’s world class coaches and visiting instructors.


For students age 5-17, our youth camps run during summer weeks and school breaks. Students have a chance to try something new and to delve deep into their favorite circus skills along with like-minded creative and energetic kids in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.


From full time guided training to flexible independent residencies, we have options for aspiring professionals, working artists, and companies. Our ProTrack Program is a full-time, 3-year program designed to equip today’s professional artists with the tools they need to succeed in the business. The Create Your Own Program is for the artist or artist-in-training with specific goals they want to achieve in a mid-term timeline. It is largely self-guided and includes hours of dedicated training space as well as check-ins.


Private lessons are fully customizable and allow students to work solo or in small groups on their desired apparatus with individualized coach attention. These can be scheduled as a one-of or as a regular occurrence on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. For more information or to book a private lesson, click HERE.


Any regular or session students are invited to attend our Open Studios that occur weekly throughout the year. Approved or invited students may sign up for Members Only training and come in to train at designated times. For more information on Open Studio & Members Only, click HERE.


In addition to a full range of flying trapeze session classes, we offer drop ins and other recurring flying events. Flying trapeze is appropriate for any level student and is a great way to try out circus for the first time. For more information about flying see our flying trapeze page.


Our facilities and coaches are available for birthday parties, corporate events, and custom workshops. For more information, email our scheduler at


NECCA is committed to improving the lives of others through the benefits of circus. We are constantly adding to our programming in schools, after-school, and with communities that are underserved or just those that would benefit from learning or watching circus arts in action. If you have an idea for NECCA outreach OR if you would like to become involved, volunteer or donate to support our outreach programming, email for more information.


  • When you first come in our lobby, someone will likely be at the registration desk to greet you and direct you where to go. Please check in here first to let them know you have arrived, verify your enrollment, and find out any information you might need for class. They will also make sure that you have a current waiver on file. Every student must have a waiver each year in order to participate.
  • The lobby is outfitted with cubbies for your shoes and personal belongings. Make sure everything fits neatly in a cubby so that it doesn’t get lost or tripped over. You will also find hooks for hanging coats by the bathrooms and shoe racks by the front door.
  • With the exception of service animals, pets are not allowed on the premises due to student allergies and phobias.
  • While in the lobby, please be mindful of others and leave room for other students and classes that may need to travel through. Our lobby is a fantastic viewing space, just keep in mind that it is a shared area, so please share the space and pick up after yourself.
  • Family, friends and visitors of students may watch from the lobby area or any approved viewing space, but are not permitted in the training areas.
  • If our lobby or our bathrooms are in need of attention, please let someone at the front desk know.
  • Books on circus history, training, performing and physiology are available to read in our lobby. Please enjoy them while you are at NECCA, just don’t take them home with you, and always make sure to put them back on the bookshelf when you are done.
  • All non-students who wish to take photos or video must have permission from the front desk or a coach.
  • No acrobatics in the lobby or on the staircase.
  • No smoking is permitted anywhere on NECCA grounds.


  • Please arrive at least ten minutes before the scheduled start time of your class to get settled in. If you arrive more than ten minutes late to a class, the coach may modify or limit your participation to be safe.
  • No food, glass, or open containers are allowed in the training space, however you are welcome and encouraged to bring a water bottle.
  • Street shoes must be removed before entering the studio.
  • Payment for lessons, classes, workshops, members only or anything else must be made in advance. Students will be asked not to participate if payment or arrangements for payment has not been made with the registrar.
  • Wear clothing that is easy to move in and free of zippers, belts, or anything else that could get tangled or snagged. We suggest supportive clothing that stays put when upside down. Some classes may have additional considerations such as specific shoes or long sleeved-shirts or leg coverage. If this is the case we will let you know in advance.
  • All jewelry that can be removed should be. Any jewelry that cannot be removed should be covered so that it does not get caught on anything.
  • Hair that is long enough to swing in front of your face should be tied back.
  • We strive to be a scent neutral environment. This means no perfumes, colognes, etc. and that you may need to use scent neutralizers such as deodorant when you train.
  • NECCA requests that anyone with open wounds or skin sores bandage and cover the area with clothing to the best of their ability. If you have a contagious disease that includes open sores, please do not come to NECCA until you have been cleared by a doctor to no longer be contagious.


  • Only use equipment you have been expressly given permission to use by a coach and only when you have permission to use it.
  • Any student’s participation can be limited by a coach at any time if the coach feels that their safety is compromised by illness, fatigue, distractions or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Use a mat at all times (for any discipline that can). Please ask your coach about the amount of mat required for what you are doing – note that the blue “grover” does not count as a mat for many things. No aerialist is permitted to train or perform above the bare concrete.
  • Have a coach show you how to use the pulley points or pull aways and test you on them before you do it yourself.
  • Any personal equipment needs to be checked by a Program Director before using it at NECCA.
  • Follow the instructions of your coaches at all times. Anyone not following instructions or being disruptive may not be allowed to participate at the coach’s discretion.
  • Cell phones are not permitted for use for calls or texts while in the training spaces. However, phones can be used for video use when approved by a coach. To take video, most of the time your coach will encourage you to listen to instructions (as opposed to videoing instructions) and learn the material fully first. Afterwards, you can have a coach or fellow student take a video of YOU actually executing the skill. We find students learn the material more completely this way.
  • All injuries, no matter how minor, must be reported to your coach.
  • For some injuries, including concussions, students may be required to have written permission from a doctor to return to class.
  • No one may use equipment or train while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, excessive fatigue or any other consideration that would impede their ability to train safely. Coaches may prohibit participation if they suspect any of these factors are the case.
  • Please be on time and arrive early enough to be ready to begin class. Students who arrive 10 minutes or more late may be asked not to participate in some activities.
  • Only students and NECCA staff are allowed in the training space.
  • Please respect other students in the space. This means sharing equipment when applicable, sharing access to the coach, being encouraging to fellow students, but also giving them space to focus on their work. Our students and staff work deliberately to create an environment of encouragement here at NECCA and we appreciate everything our students do to help us maintain that.
  • Refrain from coaching other students – let the trained coaches do that and use your training time to focus on your own goals and progress.
  • Coaches and Staff may add to the studio rules at any time to ensure the safety of the students.
  • If you have a safety concern of ANY kind, please bring that to your coach or a staff member who will address it immediately.
  • If you have concerns or feedback about your classes, or if you just want to sing the praises of an amazing coach, there are several ways to let us know. There is a feedback box in our lobby, we send out class surveys at the end of each program or you can email us at
  • Your coach will greet you as they take roll for the class and will check in and introduce everyone to start the class. Please let them know about any limitations, adaptations or concerns that might affect your ability to participate fully in class or might require adjustments to the techniques offered. Coaches are happy to make accommodations and you’d be surprised how often an adjustment is possible. As the coach takes attendance, this is also a great time to let them know what pronouns you use.
  • After introductions, the coach will lead the class through a warm up followed by skill building, technique learning, sequence choreographing as well as any supplemental conditioning, creative or training skills that may be useful to the students. Please feel free to communicate with your coach what your interests are. They are always happy to take these into consideration where appropriate.
  • NECCA coaches teach in clear progressions and use a lot of hands-on spotting. They will communicate about spotting to you in advance and let you know what the goal of the spot is. If you have any spotting related questions or concerns, please bring them up with your coach. They are happy to provide additional information. If you are uncomfortable being spotted or with a particular spot, the coach will either adjust the skill or spot or they can adjust an activity to be something that can be done safely without a spot. There are many skills that simply must be spotted until a student is ready. NECCA staff is available to talk about this openly with students and parents to make sure everyone is comfortable and we encourage open communication about safety of every kind.
  • At the end of a session, workshop or private lesson, we encourage you to talk to your coach about any classes or workshops you are considering next. They will help you determine what level classes might be right for you and may be able to suggest future classes that fit your particular interests.
  • NECCA staff prioritize facilitating and encouraging a supportive environment. Your coaches will meet you where you are and will coach with your specific goals in mind. Goals, preferences, questions, concerns, critiques and feedback of any kind are highly encouraged.
  • Every student and program at NECCA is equally important. Each individual is valued for what they bring to the studio, and what their individual goals and needs are. NECCA believes that the first time recreational student has as much value as the superstar performer and strives to make this apparent and ensure that the space feels welcoming to everyone. If you have any concerns, please bring them to your coach or any other staff member so that we can continue to create the environment that welcomes everyone.
  • It is important to NECCA to create an encouraging atmosphere in our classes for people of every age, physical fitness, ability, adaptations needed or body type. We believe all types of training and instruction should be available to all humans as long as the training can be safely executed! We encourage people to try everything and not limit themselves according to labels. If you don’t feel safe or have other considerations, we will respect that, otherwise we want to lead by example that everyone can do anything they choose.

Stretching Activities at NECCA: A Guide for Students

  • The student is always in control; please tell us what you need
  • Aim for clear communication, especially during facilitated stretching
  • Learn your limits & boundaries, and develop an awareness of what your body needs
  • Explore and develop stretching practice from in-class material
  • Become aware of the difference between an emotional reaction to stretching vs a physical reaction to stretching
  • Emotional reaction: crying, euphoria, depression, brain fog
  • Physical reaction: nausea, dizziness, pain aka “sensation”, physical guarding
  • Communicate with your coach – they are here to help you by learning from you
  • Sensation is different for everyone and the manifestation can be emotional or physical
  • Sensation is different for everyone and the manifestation can be emotional or physical; NECCA does not endorse a culture of pain, but recognizes that some of the work we do can create pain
  • Expectations of what sensations are okay and what are not okay are different for different people
  • Personal resiliency to stretching and sensations of pain and fear change from day-to-day
  • Opting out of facilitated stretching in a class where that is part of the curriculum is allowed and supported; the instructor will let you know how that choice might affect your goals/expectations of the class.
  • Read the full guide here.

Code of Conduct for Students

Comment Box

Want to leave us a comment or suggestion? Fill out our online comment box here.

Drop-off and pick-up policies, by age group:
No child under the age of 18 may be left without a parent or guardian if there are less than two adult staff members on site. If a child under the age of 18 has a private lesson scheduled while no other classes are happening, the parent or guardian must remain on site for the lesson.

Pick Up

Students will be escorted by their coach to the lobby to meet their parents/guardians.
No student under the age of 12 may exit the building without a parent/guardian.

If you are late to pick up a child, they will be either in the care of the receptionist in the lobby or their coach in the studio.


Any student age 5 or under must have a parent or guardian on-site at all times while at NECCA. Parents or guardians are encouraged to wait in the lobby as their child attends class.

Children 5 or under will be escorted to the restroom when needed and parents or guardians may be asked to escort them back to class.


Any students ages 6-11 must be walked to class and have a parent or guardian on site until they are under the watch of their coach when their class begins. Parents or guardians may leave the NECCA grounds during class time only as long as they have left contact information with the reception team.


Any students age 12-17 may be dropped off by a parent or guardian by walking them into the building or by dropping them off outside.

Students may be left in the visitor waiting area for up to 10 minutes before their class begins.


  • Open Studio is an open training session for students age 18+ who are currently enrolled in adult classes or are taking private lessons.
  • Youth & TAYA Troupe students may attend adult open studio with a parent/guardian on-site at all times.
  • Youth Open Studio is an open training session for students ages 8 – 17 who are currently enrolled in youth classes or taking private lessons.
  • Although there is no instruction during open studio or youth open studio, there is a coach available to answer questions and help with equipment needs.
  • Students are only permitted to train on equipment on which they have trained with a NECCA coach.
  • Open Studio is a time to work on skills a student has been taught by a coach at NECCA. Students may not work on new skills they have not yet received instruction on.
  • Students may not teach other students during Open Studio.
  • All training must be over an appropriate mat (and Grover often does not count as a mat). Ask the coach on duty if you have any questions. NO ONE may train an aerial apparatus over bare floor at any time.
  • Please put all equipment away after use and put all mats and grovers back where they belong. If you are leaving something out for someone to use after you, please verify that they will put it away for you when they are done training with it.


Members Only is open studio training without a host coach available and is intended for intermediate/advanced students, TAYA Troupe, and professionals by permission.

  • To be considered for Members Only training contact Marissa with the following information:
  • Your circus arts experience and what activities you wish to train during Members Only times.
  • The classes you are currently taking at NECCA and/or video of your current training.
  • What area of orientation you are seeking: floor skills, aerials, trampoline, tight wire and/or German wheel. Note that there are different requirements for each level, which will be reviewed when your orientation is arranged.
  • If you are a guest looking for short term training please include the dates of your proposed visit.
  • If you are approved for Members Only training you will receive an orientation of the training space. There is a one-time orientation cost of $30.

Key Info:

  • Any personal equipment must be inspected and approved prior to use.
  • Please put all equipment away after use, including putting all mats and grovers back where they belong. If you are leaving something out for someone to use after you, please verify that they will put it away for you when they are done training with it.
  • All members only participants are expected to follow the studio rules at all times.
  • Classes, workshops and lessons have priority use of the space.
  • Check the calendar for what spaces are available and be aware that you may need to move your training in order to accommodate a class or lesson.


All registrations and payments must go through our registration software, called “ASAP Connected.” You can create or view your account at any time by going to: If you have any trouble finding what you are looking for, contact

Session Classes, Workshops, and Camps

  • All available session classes, workshops, and camps are open for registration at
  • Enrollment for session classes stays open through the first week of each session.
  • Enrollment for workshops and camps is open until the start of the workshop/camp.
  • If a class/workshop/camp is full, students may add themselves to the wait list. If a spot becomes available, students will be notified by email in the order of the wait list. Payment must be received in order to confirm a spot that was previously wait listed.

Teen & Young Adults joining Adult Session Classes

  • Recreational – Student must be 16 years or older and at a 300/advanced level to join adult session classes (coach permission required)
  • Youth Troupe – Student must be 12 years or older, at a 300/advanced level, or a class in their discipline is not offered in the youth & teen program (coach permission required)

Private Lessons

  • To schedule a private lesson, email
  • Private lessons are not confirmed until the student receives the final confirmation email and payment is due at the time of confirmation, before the lesson is scheduled.

Programs Requiring Permission or Acceptance
If you are accepted into a program that requires an application or is by invitation only, you will create an account in our registration software and then we will get you enrolled and send you an email with an invoice. Your registration is confirmed once payment is received.

If you are interested in trying a class, you may be able to drop-in during the first week of a session. Drop-ins are subject to space and approval. Email to request a drop-in spot. Additional drop-in dates may be arranged by contacting at least 48 hours before the class. We will bring your request to the coach for approval and then bill you for the lesson before you participate.

Missed Session Classes and Makeups
Please refer to our Missed Session Classes and Makeups policies here if you miss a class. Shoot us an email if you have any questions.

Payment Policies
Payment in full is due in order to confirm registration and enrollment in a program. The only exceptions are programs that are on a payment schedule. Any student who has not paid in full or is not up to date on their payment schedule may be asked not to participate.

NECCA strives to create as many opportunities for scholarships to as many students as possible. A key point of our mission is to make the benefits of circus arts education available to anyone and everyone interested. This is made possible by the support of donors, sponsors, grants and proceeds from our Circus Spectacular performance each March. For more information or to apply for a scholarship, visit our Financial Aid page.

Payment Plans
To inquire about a payment plan, email Unless the program is designed otherwise, all payment plans must be complete by the start of the program.

Joining Late
Some session classes may be able to accommodate students who would like to join after the open enrollment period ends. This often depends on the level and subject of the class as well as availability. If you are interested in joining a class mid-session, email Enrollments during the open enrollment period of a session cannot be prorated.


  • Only one discount, promotion or coupon can be applied to a registration purchase. If a registration is eligible for more than one discount, the highest discount will be applied.


If a Student Needs to Cancel

  • All refunds require a 5% admin and credit card fee and can only be provided to the original payment method.
  • Health or Injury Considerations – If a student must withdraw from any program due to health or injury, a 95% refund or 100% credit may be issued for the portion of the program the student was not able to attend.
  • Workshops and Camps
    • One month before the first day of the workshop, 95% of the fee may be refunded or 100% credited.
    • Two weeks before the first day of the workshop, 47.5% of the class fee may be refunded or 50% credited.
    • Less than two weeks before the first day of the workshop, no refund or credit will be given.
  • Private lessons must be canceled 48 hours in advance. If canceled at least 48 hours in advance, a full credit or 95% refund will be issued. Lessons missed or canceled without 48 hours notice are not credited or refunded except for extenuating circumstances.
  • Session Classes
    • Before the Monday that classes start, 100% of the class fee may be credited or 95% may be refunded.
    • During the first week of class or after, no credit or refund will be given
  • Programs – Please refer to the information provided upon acceptance into any of our other programs for withdrawal and credit information.

If NECCA Needs to Cancel

  • Workshops – If NECCA cancels a workshop for any reason, the students will receive a full refund. If a student enrolls in a workshop, and does not meet the prerequisites, NECCA will offer a credit minus the cost of the class attended or the evaluation of the student.
    Session Classes

    • If a session class is under-enrolled, NECCA will run the first week of classes to allow time for additional students to enroll. If it is still under-enrolled after the first week, we will try to move any existing students to other classes and will reach out to students directly. If no alternative can be found, students will be given a credit or refund minus the cost of the classes that were held.
    • If NECCA cancels a single meeting of a session class for a reason other than weather (for instance coach illness), we will make every effort to schedule a makeup class at a mutually agreed upon time. If a makeup cannot be scheduled, a credit for the single class will be issued.
    • If a student enrolls in a class, and does not meet the prerequisites, NECCA will offer a credit minus the cost of the class attended or the evaluation of the student.
  • Private Lessons – If NECCA needs to cancel a private lesson for any reason (for example coach illness), the student will be notified as soon as possible and will receive a full credit.

Weather Related Cancellations

  • In the case of inclement weather, NECCA will announce closings on Facebook, our website, and email.
  • Any private lessons cancelled by the student OR by NECCA for weather-related issues will result in a full credit or refund.
  • Any session classes cancelled by NECCA will result in a credit for the amount of that class.


For the safety of our students and staff, no relationships are permitted between students and their coaches. Any consensual romantic relationships between NECCA staff and a NECCA adult student MUST be disclosed to the Executive Director to ensure that it does not affect the student’s experience at NECCA or other students’ experience at NECCA or the ability of the staff person to perform their job. No relationships of this nature are permitted between NECCA staff and a student under the age of 18.


Our coaches love that our youth students see them as friends and mentors. However, our staff will not reach out to students under the age of 18 online. If a youth student contacts a NECCA staff member online, they are permitted to choose whether or not to accept, but if they accept any communications must be made public.


All of NECCAs youth programming involving students under the age of 18 falls under the mandatory reporting guidelines. This means that all staff working at NECCA are required to report any suspected child abuse or neglect.

COVID-19 Policies

All questions may be directed to

Other Policies

As per Vermont Department of Health guidelines, if a student has conjunctivitis, but does not have fever or other symptoms, the student may be allowed to remain in classes with doctor’s written approval. However, if a student still has symptoms, and activities include close contact with other people, the student should not attend.

Accessibility Policies

Read about our accessibility policies here.


If you or someone else has a medical emergency, please notify the nearest staff member immediately. The staff person will assess the situation and may need to follow our incident/accident protocol which may include completing a report (anything more than basic first aid), requiring the individual seek medical attention or calling 911. Anyone who falls in a manner that could have caused damage to their head, neck or spine will not be moved and 911 will be called.


Fire, Earthquake or Evacuation – Staff, students and visitors should leave through the nearest exit. Staff should guide visitors to the nearest exit.
Tornado or Severe Weather – Staff, students and visitors should gather in bathrooms and away from windows.
Lockdown Procedure – When there is an immediate threat making it more dangerous to exit the building than to stay inside, a lockdown procedure may be necessary. This is designed to secure the safety off all occupants of the building. If it is safe to exit the building, exit the building. If not, students, staff and visitors should go to the bathrooms or the storage room behind the trampoline wall. The storage room doors lock automatically if the tape is removed from the latch. Bathroom doors can be barricaded or wedged shut with a door-stopper. Call 911 and wait for emergency services to give the all clear. There is an internet-ready computer in the back of the storage area available if needed.

Throughout the year, NECCA provides opportunities for students to perform if they choose. It is not required, but performing can be a tremendous asset to connect with your circus training on a deeper level and share with others. We offer opportunities including our holiday show, community performances, end of session demonstrations, monthly Beta nights, and more. Talk to your coach if you are interested in performing and they will connect you with some options and opportunities.

NECCA is a not-for-profit organization that relies on the generosity of our donors for programming and operating support. We have a direct impact on the students and families with whom we work, and we also have a dynamic relationship with the community in which we live. We strive to spread the positive effects of circus – fitness, joy, connection, curiosity, empowerment – by building ties to local service organizations to foster our presence outside our physical doors. You can have a direct impact as well by helping us provide the benefits of circus and circus education to larger audiences. For more information on how your donation could help, contact

We are grateful for donations large and small. To donate, click here.

Interested in taking a personal role in helping NECCA? There are constantly volunteer needs and opportunities. For volunteer opportunities, see our iVolunteer Page. And thank you.



NECCA is a nonprofit that’s committed to the people it serves and the community within which it thrives. We rely on our many generous donors to continue to be a place that’s accessible to everyone, where creativity and artistry soar, and where the seemingly impossible becomes possible—every single day. Please consider joining others in supporting our work.



NECCA is a nonprofit that’s committed to the people it serves and the community within which it thrives. We rely on our many generous donors to continue to be a place that’s accessible to everyone, where creativity and artistry soar, and where the seemingly impossible becomes possible—every single day. Please consider joining others in supporting our work.

Many Thanks To

Our Sponsors

Please join us in thanking these companies for their support of NECCA.

Our Funders
Year Round Sponsors
Circus Springboard Sponsors

To Circus Springboard Sponsors: Valentine Talland and Nagesh Mahanthappa. Thank you for your support!

Copyright © 2019 New England Center for Circus Arts
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