Dreaming of the Circus: Brattleboro school trains students for unusual careers


Xochitl Sosa-Campbell dangles upside down, the back of her knees snug around a metal bar.

Celeste Fry-Myhre springs up and grabs her partner’s hands. Muscles stiff. Eyes focused. Silent communication.

Then: Pop.

Fry-Myhre curls and twists in the air.

In a second, Sosa-Campbell clutches her partner’s ankle, both of them held up by the trapeze. They pause in preparation for the next trick.

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NECCA Alumni Returning from Fabulous Far-Flung Adventures

Brattleboro Reformer

Kevin Beverley learned a lot about the nuts and bolts of the circus performance during his time at the New England Center for Circus Arts.

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In Brattleboro, a School for Circus Arts

The Boston Globe

“To say twin sisters Serenity Smith Forchion and Elsie Smith once “ran away to join the circus” may be a bit hackneyed, but it’s close to the truth. Serenity likes to tell the story of how two high school “nerds” went to the…”

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